Recently, matric class result announced by the boards of education come under Punjab. Students who got success in their examination are looking for next or higher education journeys. But, unfortunately, there are some students who got failure in their 10th class result are, now, they are worried about the clearance of their supply examination. Students are to inform that do not worry at all and just think that they have got another chance to improve their mistakes. So, take this opportunity seriously and try to overcome the failure you have done in the past.
For your convenience here we offer some useful tips and guideline that will help you to find the potential ways to clear your supplementary examination. Read all these tips and guideline carefully and then make possible implements for them:
Improve Your Mistakes
Actually, you know that fact that what are the factors affecting your success. Try to avoid all the weakness come in the way of your study. If you are not going to improve yourself or your mistake you will again get failure.
Do Not Take It Hard
This is the most helpful tip that, do not take your studies hard. This is because in this way, you will feel it a burden on you and you won’t make a good practice. Feel it easy and joyfully study your subjects. In this way, you will get better success.
Forget About Entertainment
After the annual result, you just have one and a half month for your supply exam preparation. Try to forget all other things from your life and just pay your attention to studies. Forget all the entertainments such as family get to gather, friend’s parties and other events until your examination.
Make a Proper Routine
Organize a routine and follow this routine strictly. We are not saying to study hard but you have to study smart if you want to clear your supply exam within this short time duration.
Eat and Sleep Well
During your studies, you are to be suggested to eat well and at the same time to sleep well. This is because eating and sleeping are necessary to maintain health and maintaining health is necessary to study well.
We offer best wishes to all of you who are going to appear for the supplementary examination. We hope you will find a good result this time. However, Punjab boards are currently working for 9th class result and we also offer best wishes to all those students who are going to get their SSC part I result 2019. For any further detail regarding results and other educational announcements get in touch with us at
Published on : 07 Aug 2019